Thursday, June 01, 2006

JUNE 2006

Thank you so much for your prayers! We continue to see how God uses your faithful prayers to guide us as we collaborate with Him!

We want to share with you some answers to the prayers you have spoken.

* Five of the more consistent of the group have defined ministries they will carry out within the group. One, in particular, is catching the vision of multiplication through the ministry he has developed.
* We have had several chances to meet with those we consider "on the fringe" and through our visits, the Lord has opened up a vision for reaching them in a new way.

* We have helped to define the areas where this ministry will begin to work.

* We still have not advanced much in this area; however, the Lord has refreshed our vision for multiplying churches. We attended a Congreso de Sembradores de Iglesias (Church Planting Conference) and felt even more convicted that multiplying churches will reach many people for Christ!

* The Lord continue to provides for us as we simply seek to collaborate with Him. We celebrated our first anniversary on May 14, and we have been so blessed as we recount how He has provided! Giving up the monthly income I had, along with no worries about rent payments, car payments, or even fuel payments for traveling around was quite daunting. However, God has provided for Angel and I always just in time and we have grown so much simply from depending on Him!

Thank you for praying! Please continue to support us in this way by praying for:

* Our chats with those that come only to the Sunday service, but not to discipleship groups has helped us to adjust to what we believe God is doing. On June 10, we will start a home discipleship group in the pueblo of San Jeronimo. If God permits, we will do the same in 3 or 4 other areas. Basically, we see this as a type of "cell group" movement among the youth. Pray that the Lord will guide us as we begin meeting in these areas.

* Please pray that the other couple involved in beginning this ministry will take over the leadership, and not expect us to lead. We feel God has called us to a different ministry, although we will help out with the clowns as needed!

* For now, please pray that what God is doing with the youth/singles will allow the church as a whole to grasp a vision for multiplication. Pray for us as we use what we have learned and experienced as we work with these new groups.
* Pray that if God would have us use these groups as springboards to start house churches in the areas, that He will give us the wisdom to do it!

* Continue to pray for God's provision. He has given Angel several opportunities to do various jobs that always cover our needs.
* Please pray that He will guide us as we make purchases, etc., so that we will honor Him with our finances.
* Please pray for Greta's health.

We love you all!

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